29 January 2009

Guess Who's Back?

Hey, hey, hey—I'm what's happenin'! Or something along those lines.

So...yeah, been a long time, I know. It's been a full year since I kept this puppy updated on a regular basis. Life got in the way in Oh-Great Oh-Eight, but it's all fine in Oh-Nine. Steady on that grind in Oh-Nine. Keeping away from that swine in Oh-Nine...OK, you got it.

This year I told myself I'm gonna do a better job at keeping up with my creative juices. Now, now, I have been writing on a regular basis since you last saw me, but it's just been more for my private eyes. Growing up isn't so easy, now is it?

But hey—two tears in a bucket, mother...well, you know the rest.

*And the crowd screams, “Welcome back, Amber!”*

Awwww, thank you—you're far too kind!


Anonymous said...


Leigh said...


i never took you off my google reader precisely for this reason.